Sümbül Ebrusu

Sümbül Ebrusu

4 Kasım 2012 Pazar

media and democracy? Medya ve demokrasi ingilizce ödev sunumu

  what is the media: the media called of the "we are consuming , because we are producing". It's a reflection of the idea of consumption is produced.

  The media toise informed in the world , this is true but how is the world? This world not live in our world.
This world that we are to be informed.

  The most important objective of the media , tell the to informed substitution known.

  Mclohan says:
The means of the message it self. The media creating a new society, How is the society? This society is a informed that number of the inflation where we don't know place in the map but the same society never know other name of the neigbour.

  The main idea of Media's: all the industrial society collect to 1 idea and other country.

  We are kill to flea enough but how much burning to quilt?
The media want to only one things. All the society look like similar society. The media look like to pointer , because media want to one picture, the media never tolerance other voice.

  The families told the fabl in the past because parents surviving to renewal himself. The basic charecteristics of human would be consolidated in this way.

  Whoever studied to traditional education system for example who memory, who people with mental faculties lose. We seeing real face which media and effect.

  We saw real effect to media when to lost the people that grown in the old education system because tv look like farming drug that posion always later to effection.

  Pen and voice (look like) ward sharp enough. The growing tecnologhy make to the more strong powerful.
Unfortunately , press and tv contributed to the collection of economic and political forces together.

 Why is the media bad today?
This question , has one answer. Media started to information flow and process to that only their own.

  Citizens of community television may be exposed to involuntary things.If the does not known this disinformation. This process cause of insensitiving or ignore.

  Owner of the power didn't see have been in the world history whodirects the media today. Moreover this owner of the power not abstract of the power. This owner of the power, tangible and visible tigure to enter to in our homes and keep to mind central who millions of people.

  The media draw a new image of the world then they want to our should think about image of the world. In fact media to dictate to the ways of thinking who our. Who are the man.

  My brothers ibrahim teach to break marble idols
I'm breaking one of everyday
But you don't teach that , on the paper
and in the world , how to delete.

  We have one concept. This concept called "medyakrasi" What is the medyakrasi? Medyakrasi is media democracy. Thesis of Medyakrasi bring forward an idea, media project to one voice of society and never other voice . Which these voices against to only uniform and this thesis of Medyakrasi examining a double standart of media , because media have to a lot of user but (how are the user?) only system user.

  Is the media encourages in democracy?
This situation only increare to watch Tv. What need to information, but wrong , this way because watch tv not bring in the information only, misdirect in participatary democracy.

  Democracy of media: own rules, restrictions , options and channels and the boundaries of the population which is a political regime.

  The media always want to obey, which politics and politics submit to media because politics is a slave to the media. And this process admit of the new situation. The new situation name is the democracy of media.

  There were fascist and outdated power before democracy. Now , Media is carring on this job, how different ways.

  According to the media what is a revolution in democracy? Producing to consent, that new methods of propaganda prouide to unwanted of public.

  How is the media colonize to politics? Can we say that is no langer living in an unlowful policy.
According to T Patterson who american senator(live in 19. century)  media made a lot of bad and depreciatory about politics news. This situation cause of insecurity who government and undermine the politics. Because media moved to basic and unnecessary politics news that look like opeening ceremony and council fights bt you didn't see. Why now instead of party propaganda, politicions funs news in media
for example: in parlement of turkey the law of 4+4+4 education being discussed, why were
akif hamzaçebi forward the thrown band tank Nabi avcı. more busy agend.

             Part of the solution

  Read newspaper , listen to radio and watch tv are psychologically addictive (in our selves) Poison , tobacco , alchol addicts look like only get ride of voluntery. If you don't want to get ride of this media addicts. He reads divorce and murder news and browse through picture of novals and more importantly. As you continue (this addicts) a risk you are impressed to bad propaganda.
Turkis people wanted to BBC when after the military coup of 1980 which more different news. This event showed that media first waited that look like thirsty and Although categorized to spring of news in itself. Media get the edge over in society (social life).
A woman who member of the swedish parliement says "ıf Karl Marx were a live he wrote a die Information instead of das Kapital"

  I want to finish my writing with Orhan Veli poems.

  Dalgacı Mahmud

This is my job
I paint a sky every morning
when you are sleeping
anw wake up looking sky at the blue
The sea rend

You aren't known who is stitch

I am stitching
I sometimes pull somebodys leg
It's my duty
I think one head where in my head
I think one stomach where in my foot
I don't know what the heck I will

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